AI for Health Insurance: Revolutionizing Client Onboarding with Photoplethysmography and Facial Scan Technology

AI for Health Insurance

The health insurance industry is on the cusp of a revolution, and AI for Health Insurance is at the forefront of this transformation. With the advent of innovative technologies like Photoplethysmography (PPG) and facial scan analysis, insurers can now onboard clients in a new, efficient, and accurate way. In this blog, we’ll explore how AI for Health Insurance is changing the game, enabling insurers to tap into new markets and leverage an easier process of onboarding and assessing people for health insurance contracts.

The Current State of Client Onboarding in Health Insurance

Traditional client onboarding in health insurance involves a lengthy and often cumbersome process. Insurers typically require individuals to undergo medical examinations, fill out lengthy forms, and provide extensive medical history. This process can be time-consuming, invasive, and may even deter potential clients from purchasing health insurance. Furthermore, the manual processing of applications can lead to errors, delays, and increased operational costs for insurance providers.

According to a study by Accenture, The Future of Insurance: 5 Trends Shaping the Industry, the traditional onboarding process can take up to 30 days, with an average cost of $1,000 per application. This highlights the need for a more efficient and cost-effective approach to client onboarding.

The Power of AI for Health Insurance: Introducing PPG and Facial Scan Technology

Vastmindz, a pioneering technology firm, has partnered with Genre to develop an innovative solution that leverages AI for Health Insurance to transform the client onboarding process. This cutting-edge technology enables insurers to remotely assess an individual’s health using a facial scan, which is then analyzed using PPG to extract vital signs and health metrics.

PPG is a non-invasive, low-cost technology that measures changes in light absorption in the blood, providing valuable insights into an individual’s cardiovascular health, blood oxygen levels, and other vital signs. When combined with facial scan technology, insurers can gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s health without the need for physical examinations or extensive medical history.

How AI for Health Insurance Can Benefit Insurers

The integration of AI for Health Insurance, PPG, and facial scan technology offers numerous benefits for insurers, including:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Automated remote health assessments reduce the need for manual processing, minimizing errors and delays.
  2. Improved Accuracy: AI for Health Insurance-driven analysis ensures accurate assessments, reducing the risk of human error.
  3. Enhanced Customer Experience: Clients can undergo health assessments from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need for lengthy forms and medical examinations.
  4. New Market Opportunities: Insurers can tap into previously underserved markets, such as rural or elderly populations, who may have limited access to traditional medical facilities.
  5. Cost Savings: Reduced operational costs and minimized overheads enable insurers to offer competitive premiums and improve profitability.

New Markets and Opportunities for Insurers

The integration of AI for Health Insurance and PPG technology can open up new markets and opportunities for insurers. For example, insurers can now target:

  1. Rural or Elderly Populations: Insurers can reach out to underserved communities, who may have limited access to traditional medical facilities.
  2. Young Adults: AI for Health Insurance can appeal to young adults, who are comfortable with technology and expect a seamless onboarding experience.
  3. Chronic Disease Management: Insurers can offer targeted health insurance products for individuals with chronic diseases, such as diabetes or hypertension.

The Future of Client Onboarding in Health Insurance with AI

As AI for Health Insurance continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications in the health insurance industry. The use of PPG and facial scan technology is just the beginning, with potential future developments including:

  1. Personalized Health Insurance Products: AI for Health Insurance-driven assessments can enable insurers to offer personalized health insurance products tailored to an individual’s specific health needs and risk profiles.
  2. Real-Time Health Monitoring: The integration of wearable devices and mobile apps can enable insurers to monitor clients’ health in real-time, providing early warnings for potential health risks and enabling preventative measures.
  3. Enhanced Risk Assessment: AI for Health Insurance-powered analysis can help insurers better understand and manage risk, enabling them to offer more competitive premiums and improve profitability.

Getting Started with Vastmindz and AI for Health Insurance

Insurance companies interested in learning more about this innovative technology can reach out to Vastmindz to discuss potential partnerships and integration opportunities. By embracing AI for Health Insurance, insurers can revolutionize their business models, improve operational efficiency, and unlock new market opportunities.

Vastmindz has partnered with Genre to deliver this cutting-edge technology, enabling insurers to tap into the power of AI for Health Insurance. With Vastmindz, insurers can:

  1. Streamline Client Onboarding: Automate the client onboarding process, reducing errors and delays.
  2. Improve Risk Assessment: Leverage AI for Health Insurance-powered analysis to better understand and manage risk.
  3. Enhance Customer Experience: Offer clients a seamless and convenient onboarding experience.

The Future of Health Insurance with AI

The integration of AI for Health Insurance and PPG technology is just the beginning. As the industry continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of AI for Health Insurance.

According to a report by Deloitte, “2019 Insurance Industry Outlook,” the use of AI in health insurance is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. [2] With the increasing adoption of AI for Health Insurance, insurers can expect to see improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer experience, and new market opportunities.


AI for Health Insurance is transforming the client onboarding process, enabling insurers to onboard more clients in a new, efficient, and accurate way. By leveraging PPG and facial scan technology, insurers can gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s health without the need for physical examinations or extensive medical history.

As the industry continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of AI for Health Insurance. Insurers who embrace this technology can expect to see improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer experience, and new market opportunities.

About Vastmindz

Vastmindz is a pioneering technology firm that develops innovative solutions for the health insurance industry. By leveraging AI for Health Insurance, Vastmindz enables insurers to transform their business models, improve operational efficiency, and unlock new market opportunities.

Contact Vastmindz

To learn more about how AI for Health Insurance can benefit your organization, contact Vastmindz today.